Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Disorientation: The Dead Tree Gives No Shelter

Disorientation: The Dead Tree Gives No Shelter
I found this article very interesting and how true. I realize for myself that my life right now has small trials and dry periods compared to others but i can still lament. What would I be feeling if it was my home, family who was being destroyed by weather as in New Zealand, or government problems or whatever you call it that many are facing in countries in Africa. Than I look at my friends who are dealing with health issues, it is okay to lament friends. At times I wish I could ve there for you more, but my laments are being to busy and feeling so tired and no energy. i may be taking this article out of context but these are my thoughts.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fall also known as Autumn is one of my favorite seasons. I love the smells of dry leaves and the feel of the cooler temperatures. The dictionary describes fall as "a period of late maturity, espesp one followed by a decline" at least that is one of the definitions.y, esp one followed by a decline"
Thomas Hood (1799–1845), British poet.Writes
"I saw old Autumn in the misty morn
Stand shadowless like Silence, listening
To silence,"
It does at times seem like a time of silence or sleep when one does not see growth like you associate with spring. Perhaps this is a time for grounding oneself for letting your roots dig deeper. For me fall and winter are the times to read books or take on line courses and expand one's knowledge. I tend to be more house bound and the days are shorter so spend less time outdoors. Not sure I like the dictionary definition of late maturity or decline. However as I get older I see that I am probably getting into the fall of my life, (not sure there is an age definition) I am reflecting more on my life what I have or have not accomplished. I am now one of the senior staff, it doesn't seem that long ago that I was the young one, now there are staff that are younger than my children. We are expecting are third grandchild in December WOW this is very thought provoking. It is also a good season of life for me, more freedom to do things that I wasn't able to do with young children, on the negative side I see the winter season for my parents. My father passed away at ninety two years this spring and I see my mother struggling with her health issues at 90 years. I must end this on a bright note. Several things I love about the shorter days is that I enjoy using my candles in the evenings and love the warmth they emit. Sharing a hot drink with a friend and munching on some popcorn, listening to soft music. These are a few of my favorite things.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Hot Hazy Days of Summer

Hot Hazy Days of Summer

When I booked my holidays earlier this year, I booked one week in May for my son's wedding than another two weeks in the fall to go to Calgary to visit our son who lives in Calgary. However now with the hot days of summer and due to the business of the last several months I am regretting not taking any holidays for just my husband and myself this summer. I would like to be fishing on a quiet lake with just my hubbie and me. I find it very relaxing to go fishing on a quiet lake in a small boat ie 14 or 16 foot boat, none of these bigger boats with down riggers etc. The feel of the warm sun on your face and the quietness of surroundings can be very relaxing. Taking your lunch or snacks on the boat and stopping at an island to eat is also very appealing to me. I will often doze and than my hubbie will tug on my line (fishing) causing me to jump thinking I have caught a fish. This is good for a laugh for at least one of us if not both.
Now if there is any one out there who follows my blogs please don't get too excited that I have written two blogs in one week as this may not happen again. I am trying to think of something to write so I can figure out how to down load pictures to go with my blog. Now i am waiting for the copy write police to come and take me away for downloading something I should not be downloading :) .

Friday, July 2, 2010

Family-The happy and sad times, and the seasons of life

I am trying to learn how to add pictures to my blog. This is a picture of my sister, myself and my mother. This was taken the day of my son's wedding. What a perfect day for an outdoor wedding, we could not have asked for better weather. The wedding was wonderful as well. The bride was beautiful and my son was equally handsome if I do say so myself. The wedding took place at the bride's home. It was beautifully decorated her parents did an awesome job. The food was great and very unique to the bride and groom.
After the ceremony the bride and groom my self and rest of family went to the BWRH were we took pictures with my dad who was unable to attend due to health reasons. That was the last picture we have with my dad as he passed on (died) two weeks later. I think he waited for that day before leaving this world. We miss you dad!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I realise that I do not wright very often. I just read one of my followers blogs you do write a lot. And they are very interesting. ( I should say my only follower. I wish I could type faster.)
This past week has been a very hard time for my family we admitted my dad to LTC my mom had been looking after him but it was becoming more difficult for her to do, due to her health issues. He was not very happy with us. Things are starting to go better.
Going through times like this makes one do a lot of reflecting, as well it has drawn us as a family a little closer. I pray that God will continue to guide us and that my parents will feel his presence.
I realise that my parents are in there last years (age wise) and it is sad to think about it. Things that they once did they are no longer able to do etc. Are society seems to value youth and not old age. Our elderly have a lot to offer if we only took the time to listen. I am guilty of this as well.
This is all I well enter for tonight as my time is going and I need to work tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I just wrote my first blog and deleted it. I am feeling frustrated as it takes me so long to type.

I am on holidays this week and thought I would learn to blog. Right now at this point in my day I feel like I am wasting it do to the fact that I had finished my first blog and deleted it. It is past noon and I am still in my pj's shame on me. I need to exercise and make some healthy food like soup. I must go and create some other energy.


I am on holidays this week so thought I would learn how to blog and become more familiar with the computer. I am not sure why i want to blog when it takes me so long to type!

On to other things. My youngest son is engaged, my oldest son celebrated a birthday no, 28.

It is past noon and i still am in my pj's shame on me. I should exercise, shower and get dressed and make some soup and other healthy food.

I am trying to loose a few pounds and be more aware of what I eat although i do eat very healthy I just eat to much especially breads and crackers even though they are whole wheat, they still cause me weight gain. Last night at my sons birthday dinner we had lasagna and garlic bread and Caesar salad. This was to high in carbs for me I wish i had better will power. I must go for now and create some other energy. I just found my blog I thought I had deleted. This is great